Hit & Run A Reputation of Diligence, Passion, & Success

Pasadena Hit & Run Lawyer

Accused of Fleeing from an Accident? We Can Help.

If you were charged with hit and run because someone accused you of fleeing from an accident, you can face severe criminal penalties. California doesn’t take this offense lightly, and you may face years in prison if someone was injured in an incident from which others say you fled. You need experienced legal counsel to help you through this, and we can offer the advocacy you require.

The Law Office of Damon Alimouri protects the rights of the accused in Southern California, and Attorney Damon Alimouri is dedicated to ensuring his clients are fairly treated by the justice system. This entails building a legal defense to counter criminal accusations, which can result in avoiding conviction or reducing the impact one can have on a client’s life. We understand the consequences a hit-and-run conviction can have, which is why we’re committed to providing the legal support you need most right now.

Learn more about how our hit-and-run attorney in Pasadena can help by scheduling a consultation with The Law Office of Damon Alimouri.

Contact us online or call (626) 314-3595 now to get started.

What Is Hit & Run in California?

A hit-and-run offense is more than just speeding away after an accident. It can include stopping for an accident but failing to provide the other party with information such as your name, address, driver’s license, and/or registration. If no one other than the fleeing driver is injured in the accident, the offense will probably be charged as a misdemeanor.

California law requires drivers to do the following after an accident:

  • Stop at the nearest location that won’t impede traffic
  • Provide one’s name, address, driver’s license, and vehicle registration
  • Identify the owner of the vehicle, if it’s not the driver, and provide their name and address
  • Leave a note in a conspicuous place with one’s name and address if a parked vehicle or other property was damaged

In the event of injury or death, drivers must immediately stop at the scene and notify law enforcement. In the case of injury, drivers must also render reasonable assistance, which can include calling emergency responders or transporting the injured person to a hospital. Failing to act accordingly when death or injury occurs can result in felony hit-and-run charges.

Hit & Run Penalties in California

Hit and run is a “wobbler” offense in California. This means you can face either a misdemeanor or felony charge, or both, depending upon the circumstances described above.

A misdemeanor hit-and-run conviction can be sentenced with up to six months in county jail, a $1,000 fine, and two points against your driving record. Again, misdemeanor hit-and-run offenses are those that don’t involve injury or death to a party other than the defendant.

Because felony hit and run involves the injury or death of someone else, it can come with much harsher penalties. These include two to four years in prison, up to $10,000 in fines, and two points against your driver’s license.

Our hit-and-run lawyer in Pasadena at The Law Office of Damon Alimouri can help you avoid or mitigate these penalties by providing the defense you need to fight against your charges!

Vehicular Manslaughter

Hit-and-run accidents that cause death can also result in vehicular manslaughter charges. Vehicular manslaughter involves driving in an unlawful or negligent manner that causes a fatal collision.

If you are charged with ordinary negligence vehicular manslaughter, you may be sentenced to a year in jail if convicted. Gross negligence vehicular manslaughter can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony. In the latter case, a convicted defendant can face a maximum sentence of six years in prison.

Call for a Consultation

If you are accused of fleeing from the scene of an accident or not providing the other party with your information, you can face severe penalties for hit and run. Defending against your charges requires the skill and experience our attorney at The Law Office of Damon Alimouri can offer.

Learn more about our representation and how we can help by contacting us online.

Why Hire Damon Alimouri?

See What Makes Us Stand Apart
  • A Reputation for Successfully Handling Difficult Cases
  • A Passion to Fight For Peoples' Rights
  • Goes the Extra Mile for Every Client
  • Very Accessible & Responsive to Clients
  • Has Handled a Wide Range of Different Cases
  • Strong Relationships With Judges & Prosecutors

Accomplished Legal Counsel

Meet the Advocate on Your Side

Going the Extra Mile for You
  • Damon Alimouri

    Attorney & Founder

    Deeply committed to protecting your rights and fighting for you against criminal accusations, Damon Alimouri is an experienced, skilled, dedicated, respected, and passionate criminal defense attorney.

    Damon Alimouri graduated from one of the highest ranking law schools in the nation, UC Davis School of Law (King Hall). Before obtaining his law degree, Damon Alimouri received his Bachelor of Arts in both Political Science and Philosophy from the University of Southern California (USC).

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