The Various Criminal Defense Cases We Handle
Our criminal defense lawyer in Pasadena handles all criminal charges from the simple to the most serious. Our practice areas include but are not limited to the following:
- Assault and battery
- Brandishing a weapon
- Burglary
- Child molestation
- Computer crimes
- Criminal threats
- DMV hearings
- Domestic violence crimes
- Driving on a suspended license
- Drug possession
- Other drug offenses including trafficking
- Expungements to clear your criminal record
- Embezzlement
- Forgery
- Grand theft auto
- Hit and run
- Homicide, including manslaughter and murder
- Indecent exposure
- Juvenile crimes
- Lewd conduct
- Petty theft
- Prostitution
- Rape and other sex crimes
- Robbery
- Shoplifting
- White collar crimes
When facing any criminal charge, we know that it becomes the most crucial issue in your life, threatening your reputation, your job or career, your freedom, and your future. The damage that a criminal conviction can have may follow you into the years ahead long past any sentence you serve due to having a permanent criminal record. That record can make it difficult to gain employment, housing, professional licenses, and more. For noncitizens, it can lead to immigration consequences.
Ready to discuss the specifics of your charges? Phone us at (626) 314-3595 to book your consultation today.